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Journal Articles
su xing da bian xing wen ti de wei yi xing wen ding xing he ji zhi yuan li
Pages: 226-235
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Keyword:  塑性大变形速度场唯一性极值原理边值问题的解稳定性本构方程充分条件应力率恒等于零;
Abstract: This paper deals with uniqueness, stability and variational principle of boundary value problem, based on the fundamental equations of large plastic deformation theory which talees into consideration the effects of geometrical nonlinearity. Criterion for uniqueness of the solution of the boundary value problem is proposed. Sufficiant condition for stability of equilibrium states is introduced.Sufficiant condition for the identity between variational problem and boundary problem is proposed.
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