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you xian dan yuan fang song bian jie tiao jian fa jie dan xing li lun ping mian wen ti
Author(s): Jiang Wei
Pages: 236-
Year: 1981
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Keyword: 有限单元; 弹性理论; 平面问题; 几何边界条件; 公共边界; 第三边; 广义变分原理; 位移场; 松边; 单元劲度矩阵;
Abstract: This paper presents a finite element method in which the general polynomial solution to a plane problem is used to form a family of displacement functions. The method derives its name from the fact that while the static equilibrium conditions are exactly satisfied, the boundary conditions are relaxed. An advantage of this method is that it gives a high degree of accuracy. Another advantage is the use of the sectorial element in which nodes are taken only on the two straight edges, with no node on the third edge. As a result, the total number of nodes is reduced. A third advantage is that it adapts itself to arbitrary shape of the region in question by taking each segment of the boundary of the region as the third side of a finite element. Thus no discretization errors along the boundary will arise during the process of partitioning into elements.A general computer program is also developed which has proved to be successful and effective in practical applications.
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