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san wei ding chang kua yin su ji yi rao liu de song chi fang fa
Author(s): Li Yi-min
Pages: 296-
Year: 1981
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Keyword: 机翼绕流; 跨音速流动; 松弛方法; 压力分布; 超临界; 展弦比; 双圆弧; 有限差分; 松弛迭代法; three-dimension;
Abstract: Based on difference equations obtained from small perturbation theory and through a hyperbolic tangent transformation which maps the physical space into a cube, the three dimensional steady transonic flow about a wing is computed. Relaxation method reduces the demand on computer memory, and experience is gained through test runs. Calculated results are in good agreement with wind tunnel tests.
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