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Journal Articles
ao shi ti re zuo gong ju gang de xi chu yu qiang hua
Pages: 48-58
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Materials Science and Technology

Keyword:  Austenintie hot-working tool steelprecipitationstrengthening;
Abstract: The precipitation and strengthening of austenitic hot-working tool steel was investigated by TEM.The results showed that there existed rigorously crystallographic orientation ralationship between the strengthening phase MC and the matrix of the steel, i.e., (111)_(MC)//(111)_r,[110]_(MC)//[110]_r; and that MC mainly nucleated and grew in the vacancies in the matrix when the steel was aged at 700℃ and nucleated and grew in the dislocation nets and the vacancies simutaneously when the steel was aged at 800℃. There existed two types of carbides along the grain boundaries: M_(23)C_6 and M_7C_3. There was no crystallographic orientation relationship between M_(23)C_6 and the matrixwhen the steel was aged at 700℃, and the relationship was observed when the steel was aged at 800℃,i.e.,(111)M_(23)C_6//(111)_r[110]M_(23)C_6//[110]_r.
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