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Journal Articles
dian qiao xiang wei zi dong ping heng de yi ge li lun
Pages: 287-290
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Keyword:  动平衡静态应变仪相位平衡交流电桥分布电容正弦载波变压器电桥设计和使用放大器设计方法;
Abstract: This paper provides the major results of research for the automatic phase balance of AC bridge. It gives computational formulas of volt output for AC bridge based on the general case of having capacitance effects in all of the four arms of the bridge and ten operating conditions for two types of connections with the ground which occur in the strain indicator. A unified formula is developed. Conditions of maximum errors are found by differentiating a function of four variables. These results have formed the theoretical foundations for automatic phase balance of strain indicator. Finally, this paper gives a circuit block diagram of a transformer-bridge static-strain indicator.
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