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guan yu qi ti ji guang zhong de liu dong xiao ying wen ti
Author(s): Gao Zhi
Pages: 300-
Year: 1981
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Keyword: 气体激光; 流动效应; 激光功率密度; 渡越时间; 泵浦速率; 饱和强度; 速率方程组; 二能级系统; 极限值; 定性理论;
Abstract: Currently accepted theory (e.g. see [1-3]) states that saturation intensity and gain (or optical power density) increase without limit with increase of flow speed. These conclusions are in fact not trueas we have shown instead that they tend to limiting values with the increase of flow speed. The variations of the parameters mentioned above with flow speed are presented.
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