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Journal Articles
chao ying lv lc9 he jin de chao su xing yan jiu
Pages: 35-42
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Materials Science and Technology

Keyword:  Superplastic deformationmicrostructuremechanism;
Abstract: Fine-grained superhard aluminium alloy LC9 demonstrates its good superplasticity in a temperature range of 470-530℃ and in a strain-range of 8.33×10(-4)-8.33×10(-2)s~(-1) .Under the optimum condition of superplasiicity (T=515℃, ε=166×10~(-3)s~(-1)), the results are obtainad as follows: δ=1300%. σ=1.7NM/M, m=0.664. The metallographic examination and electron microscope observation show that, during its superplastic deformation, obvious dynamic recrystallization and crystallographic slip within grains occurred in addition to grain boundary sliding and diffusional creep. With the increase of deformation, their dislocation density raisey accordingly. The diffusional creep resulted in the formation of new diffusional bands and the occurrence of grain boundary migration and precipitate-free zones. Meanwhile, tha diffusion occurred along grain boundaries and in grains.The cavities developed at triangular grain boundaries, and extended and joined with each other along transverse grain boundaries, which led to sudden fracture of the specimen.
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