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Journal Articles
chao su xing bian xing de ying li ying bian su lv guan xi
Pages: 43-47+42
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Materials Science and Technology

Keyword:  superplasticityflow stressconstitute relationinternal stresseffective stress;
Abstract: The merits and demerits of the function σ=kε~m and its conditions of application are evaluated in this paper. The definition of superplastcity is given and the concept of maximum superplasticity and effective strain rate sensitivity are introduced. The different constituents of flow stress, the internal and the effective stress,are analyzed in terms of their effects on superplastic deformation. A new stress-strain rate model of superplastic flow is presented on this basis. This model can be used to explain superplastic mechanical behaviour in a more profound way and is in good agreement with experimental results.
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