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Journal Articles
guan nei ceng liu shun tai fen xi
Pages: 218-225
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Keyword:  瞬态分析本征函数齐次边界条件压力波形波动方程初始条件Bessel函数精确解瞬态压力计算曲线;
Abstract: The present paper makes use of eigenfuctions to analyse transient two dimensional lamiar flow problems in circular pipes. A wave equation of the pressure is derived which contains a damping coefficient equal to the square of a root of Bessel functions. On this basis, we obtain an exact solution of the pressure wave. By means of Duhamel 's-theorem, one can solve the general problem where, at one end of the pipe, the pressure varies arbitrarily with time. As an example, the pressure wave in a pipe terminatia by a container at one end and the pressure wave for water-hammer of Laminar flow in pipe is calculated. In addition, relationship between the distortion of traveling wave and transmisson number K is also studied.
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