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Journal Articles
mou lei fei xian xing xi tong ji fen liu xing de yan jiu duo pin gong zhen wen ding xing zhun ze de ji fen liu xing fang fa zheng ming
Pages: 262-270
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Keyword:  积分流形非线性系统共振稳定性一致连续特征指数偏导数周期函数超曲面关系式特征根;
Abstract: Following N. N. Bogoliubov's idea [13], this paper gives for the system:(1)three sufficient conditions for the existence of stable manifold, which lies in the ε -neighbourhood of a certain point or a certain hypersurface in {x}. When this point is an isolated reasonance point of the system (i) or when this hyper surface is an isolated Teasonance hypersurface of the system (i), the theorems given here lead to the stability criterions for multi-frequence resonances in [4].
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