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Journal Articles
chun jian shi yan ji bauschinger xiao ying yan jiu
Pages: 8-13
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Materials Science and Technology

Keyword:  simple shearstress-strain curvefundamental testbauschinger effect;
Abstract: Plane shear deformation may be an important factor governing the deformation behavior of sheet metal.In this paper,first,the characteristics of a newly-designed test device for simple shear deformation in plane are described.Second,according to the test,the stress strain curves for three kinds of Aluminium sheet metals (LF21M,LY12M,LC4M)are obtained and discussed in connection with the planer anisotropy of material behavior,in the in-plane simple shear and uniaxaal tensile characteristics. Third,Bau- schinger effect in shnple shear deformation are measured.
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