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Journal Articles
ning gu su du dui zhu tie shi mo xing tai de ying xiang
Pages: 97-103
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Materials Science and Technology

Keyword:  Solidification rateCast irongraphite morphologycrystal kinetics;
Abstract: By using the technique of liquid metal cooling directional solidification, the influences of solidification rate on the the morphology of graphite and on the crystal kinetics of austenite and graphite were investigated. The relations between the graphite morphology and the relative growth rate of austenite, graphite prism and graphite basal plane were analyzed.The following facts were found in our investigation. With increase of the solidification rate the austenite growth rate increases. When the growth rate of austenite surpsses that of the graphite prism and plane, flake graphite will transitionally change into vermicular graphite, otherwise vermicular graphite will change into flake graphite.
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