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Journal Articles
The pulmonary CT manifestations of acute moderate or severe hydrogen sulphide poisoning fishermen
Pages: 466-468
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

Keyword:  Hydrogen sulphideToxicosisTomographyX-ray computed;
Abstract: 目的 探讨渔民急性中重度硫化氢中毒的胸部CT影像学表现.方法 回顾分析急性中重度硫化氢中毒的肺部CT影像学表现,为进行合理的治疗提供依据.结果 8例患者首次CT表现为两肺对称性各叶均有多发斑片状渗出阴影6例,两肺下叶对称性受累3例,不对称性累及2例.病灶形态:斑片状影8例.条索状影4例,磨玻璃状影3例,周边模糊的小叶性结节影4例;5例合并胸腔积液.治疗后6~10d肺部阴影吸收明显.2例患者治疗2个...
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