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Journal Articles
Exploration of the early detection of lung parenchyma micronodules, nodule coalescence and emphysema by CT and HRCT in coal miners with and without coal-worker\'s pneumoconiosis evidence
Pages: 13-16
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

Keyword:  TomographyX-ray computedPneumoconiosisPulmonary emphysema;
Abstract: 目的 探讨CT和高分辨CT(HRCT)早期检测煤工尘肺小阴影、阴影融合与肺气肿的敏感性和准确性.方法 77例煤工尘肺患者、36例无尘肺煤工和37例健康非煤工接受多层螺旋CT机无间隔胸部容积扫描及HRCT扫描,对所获得的CT图像进行煤工尘肺小阴影密集度分级、平均肺密度值和肺气肿指数测定,并与其X线胸片诊断结果对照.结果 对77例煤工尘肺患者CT和HRCT诊断的尘肺小阴影密集度分级与X线胸片尘肺分期一...
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