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Journal Articles
The correlation between chemotherapeutic efficacy and breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 and class Ⅲ β-tubulin protein expression in non-small cell lung cancer patients
Pages: 469-473
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine

Keyword:  Breast cancer susceptibility genelClass Ⅲβ-tubulinCarcinomanon-small-cell lungAntineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocolsTreatment outcome;
Abstract: 目的 观察肿瘤组织乳腺癌易感基因1(BRCA1)、β微管蛋白Ⅲ表达与ⅢB和(或)Ⅳ期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)采用紫杉醇联合顺铂(TP)方案化疗疗效的相关性.方法 入选初治、NSCLC临床TNM分期为ⅢB和(或)Ⅳ期、体能状态(PS)评分0~2分、预计生存期≥3个月的患者入选本研究.入选者均进行TP方案化疗,每3周重复,每2个周期评价1次疗效,共4~6个周期,无效者更换二线化疗方案.免疫组化检测肿...
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