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Journal Articles
foundation of digital manufacture the improved gps system
Pages: 132-136
Year: Issue:  S1
Journal: Journal of Wuhan University of Technology

Keyword:  GetLinkList(KeywordFilter('the improved GPS standard geometrical product design manufacture verification')'kw''CJFD');
Abstract: The geometrical product specifications and verification (GPS) system is an engineering tool for product development and manufacture. The new GPS standard system is necessary,as companies are rapidly moving ahead with new technologies,new manufacturing processes,new materials and visionary products in an environment of international outsourcing. The GPS system takes the complete life cycle of a product from function requirements,design,manufacturing to verification into account. The matrix framework of the new GPS is masterplanned under one main line and two kinds of correlation. The main line is based on specifications concerning the whole production process. And two kinds of correlation are the expanded uncertainties and duality principle-based operators. They are two important tools for manufacture production and there are other concepts and definitions proposed in the new GPS that differ from the traditional geometrical standards. The paper discusses the improved GPS system about its background,characteristics,framework and some important concepts,which will present a clear and impressive standard system for the digital manufacture.
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