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Journal Articles
li shi yi zuo chu liao gong zheng de ping jia zai san lian shu dian lao tong zhi zhu shou hui shang de he ci
Pages: 50-51
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Historical Materials of New Culture

Abstract: 历史已作出了公正的评价──在三联书店老同志祝寿会上的贺词仲秋元《联谊通讯》记者各位老寿星,各位老同志,今年有10位曾经在生活、读书、新知三联书店工作过的老同志正逢80、90华诞,他们是90高龄的搂适夷和甘伯林同志,年届8旬的张锡荣、邵公文、薛迪畅、李...
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