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Journal Articles
Detection and analysis of serum osteocalcin and serum calcitonin level among different fluoride burden groups
Pages: 761-762
Year: Issue:  12
Journal: Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

Abstract: 目的 检测不同氟负荷人群血清中骨钙素(OST)、降钙素(CT)含量的变化,寻找氟性骨损伤早期效应指标.方法 选择氟作业工人60人为氟接触组,根据尿氟浓度及血清氟浓度分为高氟负荷组(尿氟>4.0 mg/L,血清氟>0.20 mg/L)30例和低氟负荷组(尿氟≤4.0 mg/L,血清氟≤0.20 mg/L)30例,以无工业氟接触的30名居民为对照组(尿氟<2.0mg/L,血清氟<0.10mg//L)....
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