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Observation on effects of treatments using molecular adsorbent r ecirculating system (MARS) in 20 patients with severe hepatitis.
Author(s): JIN Jie, YU Zhe, YE Weijiang, ZHOU Xiang
Pages: 68-
Year: 2006
Journal: Bulletin of Medical Research
Keyword: Molecular adsorbent recirculatin g system; Severe hepatitis;
Abstract: Objective To explore the effect and safety of molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) on patients with s evere hepatitis B.Methods 20 patients with chronic severe hepa titis were treated with MARS for 6 to 8 hours except for basic medical ther apy.Results After MARS,12 of 20 patients have been cured and improved,the sur vival rate was 60%.Total bilirubin,total bile acids et al,and concentration o f serum ammonia decreased significantly,while prothrombin activity was signican tly increased (P<0.05).No significant difference was observed in renal fu nction, blood routine test and electrolure before and after MARS(P>0.05) , and all patients had stable blood pressure (BP) and pulse (P)during the trea tment of MARS.Conclusion MARS is an effective and safe means to treat severe hepatitis.
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