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Journal Articles
he li li yong nong ye qi hou zi yuan cu jin nong ye chi xu wen ding xie diao fa zhan
Pages: 10-14
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Resources Economization and Comprehensive Utilization

Abstract: 合理利用农业气候资源,促进农业持续、稳定、协调发展国家气象局章基嘉我国幅员辽阔、地形复杂,气候类型多样、气候灾害频繁。不少重要农业,如:华北平原、东北平原等皆处于所谓“气候脆弱区”,异常气候发生的频率高。气象灾害重,是农业生产进一步发展的一大制约因素...
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