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Analysis on Market Structure of China's Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry
Author(s): ZHANG Xiao-yan, NI Chun-xia
Pages: 6-
Year: 2016
Journal: Hospital Management Forum
Keyword: Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry; Market structure; Market concentration;
Abstract: This paper analyzed the market concentration, access barriers and differentiation of China's pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. Based on the information collected, took sale revenue as the indicator to calculate the market concentration and find that the market structure of China's pharmaceutical manufacturing industry was decentralized competitive market. Differentiation analysis was conducted from the perspective of structural differences and product differences. It was found that pharmaceutical manufacturing industry was of little product differences, but large regional differences in structure. Access barriers to pharmaceutical industry were analyzed from the perspective of economies of scale barriers, technical barriers, essential capital barriers and policy barriers. It was found that greatest barrier to pharmaceutical manufacturing was policy barrier. Proposals and strategies for adjusting and improving the unreasonable market structure of China's pharmaceutical manufacturing industry were put forward from the perspective of industrial planning and policy so as to promote healthy competition and development for the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.
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