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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Study on L-Glutamine Fermentation
Pages: 122-124
Year: Issue:  7

Keyword:  glutaminefermentationamino acidsSG-sulfaguanidine;
Abstract: The L-glutamine fermentation was carried out with a SG resistant strain Carynebacterium Glutamicum S9114,and the optimum conditions for producing glutamine were listed as follows: the carbon source was 18% hydrolysed starch and the nitrogen source was 4% NH4Cl, Zn2+ concentration was 20mg/L and CaCO3 concentration was 5%. The 500ml flask were filled 30ml media with pH7.0 to incubate 72h, with inoculation amount 10%. Under optimum condions, Carynebacterium Glutamicum S9114 was able to accumulate the maximum quantity of 52.6mg/ml with the average of 49.5mg/ml of L-glutamine.
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