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Journal Articles
Indirect UV detection of N-methylpyrrolidine in cefepime hydrochloride for injection by capillary electrophoresis using benzylamine as a probe
Pages: 217-222,243
Year: Issue:  4

Keyword:  Capillary electrophoresisIndirect UV detectionN-MethylpyrrolidineCefepime hydrochloride for injectionBenzylamine;
Abstract: N-Methylpyrrolidine in cefepime hydrochloride for injection was detected by capillary electrophoresis with indirect UV detection.Best results were achieved with back ground electrolyte constituting of 0.01mol/L benzylamine adjusted to pH3.6 with formic acid and an applied voltage of 30kV in a bare fused-silica capillary.Indirect UV detection was performed at a wavelength of 214nm.For precision improvement,diethylamine was utilized as internal standard.The application of a small amount of inlet pressure during the separation assisted the attainment of a stable baseline.The optimized method was validated regard ingselectivity,linearity,accuracy,precision,ruggedness,repeatability and detection limits.Careful control of capillary conditioning enable migration time precisions values of<0.2% RSD.The correlation coefficient for N-methylpyrrolidine,within the range of 0.02~0.40mg/ml,was 1.0000.The precision of standard solution injection was 0.9% RSD.The intra-day precisions for analysis of standard solution and sample solution were 1.6%RSD (n=10) and 2.9%RSD (n=6),respectively.
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