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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
H.T. Odum and Emerg Research in China
Pages: 182-187
Year: Issue:  2

Keyword:  EmergyH.T. OdumEcoeconomic systemAgro-ecosystemUrban ecosystem;
Abstract: This review discussed the spreading process of emergy concepts, founded by H.T. Odum and the emergy research in China from 1990. Spreading of emergy concepts and methods in China began with H.T. Odum's second trip to China in 1990.From Aug. l 1990 to Aug.21 1990, H.T. Odum visited Taipei, Guangzhou, Beijing and Shenyang, where he gave lectures on emergy with the titles of"Self-organization & System Ecology" and "Emergy Analysis & Environment Evaluation". Since 1990,studies on emergy have been done for more than ten years at universities and research institutes in many cities such as Guangzhou,Beijing, Nanjing and Foshan. Emergy theory has been applied to many fields, including area emergy evaluation for eco-economic system of country, province, city and natural protection area; emergy evaluation of agro-ecosysterr, urban ecosystem, environment and resources, waste treatment, eco-engineering and industry. More than 60 papers written in Chinese or English on emergy have been issued. 3 books about emergy written by H.TOdum have been translated into Chinese. Emergy concepts,theory and methods have been quoted by 10 books in Chinese. 2 books on emergy were published in China. The research works in emergy analysis were supported by the NNSF (National Natural Science Foundation)of China and other Foundations. Some of the projects have been finished and the others are still ongoing. Emergy theory and method have been accepted by Chinese ecologists in China, but there are still some problems in applying them. Chinese ecologists will have to work hard in emergy evaluation and hope to make greater progress.
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