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Journal Articles
Effect of Drop Irrigation Fertigation on Water-saving and Yield-increasing of Wheat-corn System
Pages: 16-21
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences

Keyword:  drop irrigationsmall white dragonfertigationwheatcornyieldirrigation water use ef-ficiency;
Abstract: In order to reveal the effect of drop irrigation fertigation on water-saving and yield-increasing of wheat and corn,the comparative field experiments of drip irrigation and small white dragon with the inte-grated management of water and fertilizer was carried out in Tongxu water-saving agriculture demonstration base of Henan province. The application of N fertilizer was set as single basal application (210 kg/ha) , basal application 70% and topdressing 30% at jointing stage, basal application 50% and topdressing 50% at jointing stage,basal application 70% and topdressing 30% at the filling stage,basal application50% and topdressing 50% at the filling stage, basal application 50% and topdressing 30% at jointing stage and 20% at the filling stage. The results showed that the fertigation was more conducive to the im-provement of the water supply,and promoted the coordinated growth of wheat and corn. Compared to the corresponding treatments of small white dragon, the wheat plant height of drop irrigation treatment in-creased by 0. 9—7. 6 cm,the ear length increased by 0. 4—1. 6 cm,the number of spikelet increased by 1. 1—2. 8,the number of grains per spike increased by 0. 6—5. 2 grains,the sterility spike number re-duced by 1. 1—3. 3,the thousand-grain-weight increased by 0. 1—1. 4 g;the corn plant height of drop ir-rigation treatment increased by 2. 4—8. 2 cm,the number of visible leaves increased by 0. 2—0. 8,the di-ameter of stem increased by 0. 44—0. 68 cm,the number of the rows increased by 0. 2—1. 2,the number of double rows grains increased by 0. 8—7. 3 grains,the effective ear length increased by 0. 04—1. 67 cm,the ear perimeter increased by 0. 39—1. 40 cm and the 100-grain-weight increased by 0. 2—2. 1 g. The better treatment of wheat and corn was the treatment with the basal application 50% and topdressing 50% at the filling stage. Compared to the corresponding small white dragon treatments,the yield of wheat increased by 14. 29%—18. 96% under drop irrigation,the water utilization efficiency of irrigation im-proved 1. 93—2. 79 kg/m3;the yield of corn increased by 21. 79%—47. 19% under drop irrigation,the water use efficiency of irrigation increased by 3. 97—6. 07 kg/m3;the anniversary yield of wheat and corn increased by 19. 98%—33. 37% under drop irrigation, the water utilization efficiency of irrigation in-creased by 3. 26—4. 43 kg/m3 ,the best treatment was basal application 70% and topdressing 30% at the filling stage with the integrated management of water and fertilizer. Compared to the treatment of single basal application,the wheat,corn and wheat-corn yield and water utilization efficiency were the highest in the treatment of basal application 50% and topdressing 30% at jointing stage and 20% at the filling stage. Therefore,the fertigation was conducive to yield-increasing and water-saving,and topdressing at lat-er stage was helpful to production.
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