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Journal Articles
The Design of Real-Time Data Acquisition and Display System of Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer Based on FPGA
Pages: 103-107
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Chinese Journal of Electron Devices

Keyword:  imaging spectrometerFourier transformin real-timedata acquisition and display;
Abstract: By using visible light camera to simulate interferometer,we had designed a real-time data acquisition and display system of Fourier transform imaging spectrometer based on FPGA,which should establish a good technical foundation for the subsequent real-time spectrum recovery of spectrometer. The system is mainly composed of four parts of data acquisition,storage,conversion and display,mainly involves the configuration of SAA7113 and ILI9325 chip,the SDRAM controller design,the extraction of pixels,the color space transformation etc. It takes 71 milliseconds to initialize all parts. After initialization being completed,by the four parts of the system working coordinately,the system can output the target’s image in real-time with some advantages such as fast computation speed, easy to upgrade and being developed in second time etc.
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