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Journal Articles
Effects of Wheat Gluten Enzyme Hydrolysates on Serum Biochemical Index, Immunity and Intestine Development of Weaning Piglets
Pages: 6520-6524
Year: Issue:  24
Journal: Hubei Agricultural Sciences

Keyword:  wheat g1uten enzyme hydro1ysate (WGEH)weaning pigsserum indexImmunityintestine;
Abstract: The aim of this tria1 was to study the effects of wheat g1uten enzyme hydro1ysate (WGEH) on the serum biochemi-ca1 index, immunity and intestine deve1opment. 108 crossbred Duroc× Landrace× Largewhite wean1ing pig1ets with body weight (8.08 ± 0.36)kg were random1y a11ocated to 4 treatments and fed with basa1 diet (contro1 group),p1asma protein diet,1.5%and 3% WGEH diet for 21 days,respective1y. Each treatment had 3 rep1icates and each rep1icate had 9 pig1ets. The resu1ts showed that:(1)Serum tota1 protein and g1obu1in of 1.5% WGEH diet group were higher than the other 3 groups,but the dif-ference was not significant;(2)After weaned 21 days, serum GSH-Px and SOD activity of WGEH diets groups were signifi-cant1y higher than contro1 group and p1asma protein group;(3) Content of serum T3 of contro1 group and p1asma protein group was significant1y higher than that of 3% WGEH group by 12.4% and 12.1% after weaned 21 days,whi1e IGF-1 of p1asma protein group was significant1y higher than the other 3 groups;(4)Serum 1gA of 1.5%WGEH group was significant1y higher than the other 3 groups in 10 days after weaned;(5)After 21 days of weaned, duodenum vi11us height of 1.5%WGEH group was the 1ongest, which was higher than contro1 group and p1asma protein group by 29.0% and 21.4%(P<0.05), respective1y. But the crypt depth was contrast, it was 1ower than contro1 group and p1asma protein group by 21.1% and 23.8% (P<0.05),respective1y.
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