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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Education Legislation and Women’s Education in Modern China
Pages: 42-49+168
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)

Keyword:  近代教育教育立法女子教育;
Abstract: Due to the national situation,western influences,and the promotion of the feminist movement,Women’s education in modern China unprecedented changed in form and content. From private girl’s schools to official girl’s schools,women’s education was finally stepped onto a difficult and indirect road in modern China. Education movement added the new connotation of equality between men and women in the period of the republic of China,and it was reflected in education legislation. But there was a deep gap between the seemingly perfect women’s education legislation of the republic of China and the education practice. The implementation of women’s education was always hindered by gender norms,and as well as the practical problems caused by urban and rural differences.
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