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Comparative study of typical numerical integration methods of flexible multi-body systems dynamics
Author(s): Guo Xian, Zhang Dingguo
Pages: 726-
Year: 2016
Journal: Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Keyword: flexible multibody systems; dynamics; numerical integration; hub-flexible beam system; Lagrange’s equations of the second kind; explicit methods; implicit methods; time step; generalized mass matrices;
Abstract: The performance of eight typical numerical integration methods of flexible multi-body systems dynamics is compared for reasonable selection. A hub-flexible beam system is studied,and a high order coupling model is built using Lagrange’s equations of the second kind. The equations are solved using eight typical numerical integration methods,and the computational efficiency and com-putational accuracy are compared. Results show that compared with the implicit methods,the explicit methods depend on time step more;the computation efficiency of the implicit methods is lower than
that of the explicit methods at same time step, the implicit methods can improve computation efficiency by amplifying the time step;the Gear method has an extremely high efficiency and is more suitable for the dynamic equations with generalized mass matrices as constant mass matrices;the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor ( HHT ) method and the generalized-α method can improve computation efficiency by amplifying the time step,but the computational accuracy is lower.
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