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Coupling Water and Fertilizer Effects on Cotton Yield, Nitrogen Accumulation and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Author(s): ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Fu-cang, WU Li-feng
Pages: 20-
Year: 2016
Journal: Water Saving Irrigation
Keyword: cotton; shoot dry matter; yield; nitrogen accumulation; nitrogen use efficiency; fertigation;
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different drip irrigation water quality and fertilization amount on the in-fluence of cotton yield, the dynamic accumulation of nitrogen and nitrogen use efficiency under mulch and fertigation. The complete combina-tion treatments with five drip irrigation fertilization levels and three water levels and a no fertilizer control are set to study the coupling effect on the amount of dry matter dynamic accumulation, seed cotton yield, dynamic accumulation and nitrogen use efficiency of nitrogen. The re-sults show that on the ground after harvest, the part organ weight of cotton from high to low in order is the bolls, stem, leaf;nitrogen mainly concentrates in the bolls, followed by leaf, and in the stem is the least;irrigation water significantly increases the cotton leaf, stem and bolls quality, the quality of dry matter and seed cotton yield, and significantly enhances the N accumulation amount and nitrogen use efficiency at the same time. The coupling effect on productivity, fertilization of nitrogen, nitrogen agronomic efficiency and utilization rate of nitrogen phys-iological effect is remarkable;irrigation water reducing 40% will suppress the absorption of nitrogen, the quality and seed cotton dry matter production, but can significantly improve the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen partial productivity, nitrogen efficiency of agricul-ture. It is concluded that under this experimental condition of 380 mm irrigation water and 250-100-50 kg/hm2 fertilizer (N-P2O5-K2O), 6% below the maximum yield of seed cotton yield can be obtained, and save 15% of irrigation water can be saved by 15% and fertilizer rate can be saved by 16.7%.
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