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Comprehensive Evaluation of Water Resources Allocation Scheme Based on Set Pair Analysis Theory
Author(s): WU Zheng, WU Fengping, SHEN Junyuan, Hohai University
Pages: 73-
Year: 2016
Journal: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
Keyword: water resources allocation schemes; evidence theory; set pair analysis theory; comprehensive evaluation;
Abstract: Evaluation of water resources allocation scheme, featured by ambiguity, uncertainty and multi-objectivity, is one kind of multi-objective group decision making and the authenticity of the evaluation results were greatly affected by its index weight. In order to overcome the shortage of inaccurately weight of index in the process of evaluation to water resource allocation scheme and to solve the problem of conflict caused by certainty and uncertainty among multi-objectives, each index weight was determined on the basis of the credibility of each evaluation index through the evidence theory. The set pair analysis theory was introduced to evaluate the water resources allocation scheme, and the comprehensive ranking of the water resources allocation scheme was finally confirmed by the determination of the same degree matrix of the evaluation index and the combination with the obtained weight of each index. Last, by analyzing a particular example, the results indicated that the set pair analysis method was feasible, so that the theory could be treated as a new method for the evaluation of water resources allocation scheme.
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