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Journal Articles
Alternative splicing enhances transcriptome complexity in desiccating seeds
Pages: 947-958
Year: Issue:  12
Journal: Journal of Integrative Plant Biology

Keyword:  Alternative splicingArabidopsis thalianaseed desiccation;
Abstract: Before being dispersed in the environment, mature seeds need to be dehydrated. The survival of seeds after dispersal depends on their low hydration in combination with high desiccation tolerance. These characteristics are estab-lished during seed maturation. Some key seed maturation genes have been reported to be regulated by alternative splicing (AS). However, so far AS was described only for single genes and a comprehensive analysis of AS during seed maturation has been lacking. We investigated gene expression and AS during Arabidopsis thaliana seed development at a global level, before and after desiccation. Bioinformatics tools were developed to identify differentially spliced regions within genes. Our data suggest the importance and shows the peculiar features of AS during seed desiccation. We identified AS in 34% of genes that are expressed at both timepoints before and after desiccation. Most of these AS
transcript variants had not been found before in other tissues. Among the AS genes some seed master regulators could be found. Interestingly, 6%of all expressed transcripts were not transcriptionally regulated during desiccation, but only modified by AS. We propose that AS should be more routinely taken into account in the analysis of transcriptomic data to prevent overlooking potentially important regulators.

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