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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
A New Crisp Melon Cultivar ‘Huaisu 3’
Pages: 2063-2064
Year: Issue:  10
Journal: Acta Horticulturae Sinica

Keyword:  crisp meloncultivar;
Abstract: ‘Huaisu 3’is a new crisp melon cultivar derived from female parent‘S06-1’× male line‘W07-2’. The cultivar shows better growth potential. The fruit is horn shaped. The skin color is dark green,and the flesh is orange. The flesh thickness is about 2.5 cm,which is crisp. The sugar content is 15.3% in the core and 12.0% in the border. The average fruit mass is about 1.51 kg. It is suitable to be cultivated in the area along the Huaihe River.
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