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Journal Articles
A Dialectical Interpretation of the Divergence Between Lenin and Trotsky in Peasant’s Revolutionary Role:Zinoviev’s Critique of the Theory of Uninterrupted Revolution
Pages: 36-40+99
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of Tangshan Polytechnic College

Keyword:  ZinovievTrotskytheory of uninterrupted revolutionpeasant problem;
Abstract: This paper is meant to discusses Zinoviev’s critique of the theory of uninterrupted revolution from the perspective of the function of peasants in the democratic revolution by analyzing the concrete context of Lenin’s criticism of Trotsky,Zinoviev’s misreading of Trotsky and Lenin’s change in his opinion on the role of peasants in the democratic revolution.Thus Trotsky’s opinions on the peasants are clarified and so it can be concluded that Lenin and Trotsky shared similar opinions on the role of peasants in the democratic revolution.
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