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Journal Articles
On-line system of SPB-1 capillary chromatographic column-thermal conductivity detector
Pages: 858-861
Year: Issue:  7
Journal: Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory

Keyword:  SPB-1 capillary chromatographic columnTCDOptimum velocityChromatographic conditionTrichlorosilaneVinyltrichlorosilane;
Abstract: Based on the principle of thermal conductivity detector( TCD),the modified GC3900 T and SPB-1capillary column were used to study the influence factors such as the make-up flow rate and carrier gas velocity.Taking helium as carrier gas,the optimal linear velocity of combined system has been studied. N-heptane,nitrobenzene,phenol,aniline,butyl acetate and n-butanol have been used as test samples to determinate the optimal linear velocity. Similarly,the n-heptane has been used to study the effect of tail flow rate on column efficiency and signal,and the relationship between bridge current and response value. The results showed that the optimal carrier gas velocity and the appropriate make-up flow rate were ranging from 15 to 18 cm / s and 13 to14 m L / min,respectively. Response value is shown to be proportional to the third bridge current that also has been verified. On the basis of this,the combined system could have potential applications in detection of trichlorosilane and vinyltrichlorosilane with no response or response to the minimum substance for the hydrogen flame ionization detector( FID).
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