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Journal Articles
Numerical analysis on thermal conductivity characteristics of mesh screen filled regenerator for pulse tube cryocooler and its optimization
Pages: 1-5+90
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Cryogenics & Superconductivity

Keyword:  RegeneratorMesh screenHeat conduction lossNumerical analysisOptimization;
Abstract: As one key device of the pulse tuber cryocooler,the regenerator plays an important role on the thermal performance of the whole system. The theoretical analysis and mathematical modeling on the axial heat conduction losses of mesh screen filled regenerator were done,and the regenerator models filed with single type mesh stacked screen and mixed ones were selected,under the condition 80 K,50Hz. The filled length of the mesh screen,as the influence factor of the axial conduction losses,was theoretically analyzed. The results show that,the appropriate mixed ratio of different mesh screens filled in regenerator can reduce the axial thermal conduction losses and improve the performance of the whole system. Optimization methods of the ideal ratio of different filled mesh screen were also put forward.
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