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Journal Articles
Professor Wang Ruoguang's Congnition and Optimal Management of Subfertility in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Pages: 52-55
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine University of Hunan

Keyword:  polycystic ovary syndromeinfertilityoptimal managementWang Ruoguang;
Abstract: Because of the diversity of clinical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the diagnosis of PCOS has been controversial, the diagnosis of the dispute affected the treatment standardization. This paper introduces Wang Ruoguang's thinking and understanding about the optimal management of polycystic ovary syndrome from the pathogenesis of infertility core PCOS, 3 stage-12 gray scale, centralized type, TCM syndrome and treatment of core.
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