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Journal Articles
Fault Location Algorithm of Transmission Line Based on Two-terminal Electrical Power Quantities
Pages: 20-24
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Universities

Keyword:  two-terminal electrical quantitiesphase comparisondistributed parameter modelfault locationdistribu-tion coefficient of current;
Abstract: To overcome the influences of transition resisance and far-end equivalent impedance on the single-terminal fault location algorithm,this paper introduces a phase-comparison algorithm for two-terminal fault location based on two-terminal electrical power quantities. It first deduces the current distribution coefficient formula of transmission line using distribution parameter model,then analyzes the error due to phase-comparison algorithm for single-terminal fault location. It also calculates the non-synchronous angle of transmission line at the two ends. The voltage and current of fault branches along the line are calculated through comparing the voltage and current at one end with the current at the other end using phase-mode transformation and inverse transformation. The minimum value of the characteristic phase shift between the voltage and current of fault branch is thus used in the location. In this paper,distributed parameter line model is used to established ultra-high voltage power transmission system,then simulation is done in Matlab/Simu?link. It is proved that the proposed fault location algorithm is not affected by transition resistance,system impedance or fault type,etc.
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