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Journal Articles
Status and Utilization of Wild Forage Germplasm in Dehong District
Pages: 923-927
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Acta Agrestia Sinica

Keyword:  Dehong distrctWild forageGermplasm resources;
Abstract: Grassland resources of Dai-Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture of Dehong are rich.There are plenty of wild forage species.In this paper we mainly discussed the status of grassland forage resources,the characteristics of wild forages,family compositions,and forage utilization.There are 1586 species that belong to 187 families and 840 genera.Among them,145 species belong to 94 genera of Gramineae,102 species belong to 46 genera of Leguminosae,and 103 species belong to 59 genera of Compositae.224 species are best forages according to the rank of forage quality evaluation,which including 112 species of Gramineae and 15 species of Leguminosae.
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