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Determination of 30 Forbidden Industrial Dyes in Processed Food by UHPLC-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Author(s): QIAN Jiang, CHEN Jian, HUANG Jie, LIU Zheng-cai, YANG Fang
Pages: 1011-
Year: 2016
Journal: Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis Part B:Chemical Analysis
Keyword: UHPLC; Orbitrap mass spectrometry; Forbidden industrial dye; Processed food;
Abstract: UHPLC-electrostatic quadrupole/orbitrap mass spectrometry was applied to the determination of 30 forbidden industrial dyes in processed food.The sample was extracted with acetonitrile-acetone-aqueous ammonia (66+33 +1)mixture,and the extract obtained was purified on HLB and neutral alumina solid-phase extraction column.The purified extract was separated by HPLC using Thermo Gold C18 column as stationary phase,and mixtures of acetonitrile and 0.1% (φ)formic acid solution in various ratios as mobile phase in gradient elution. Electrospray ionization positive ion source and the mode of Target Selected Ion Monitoring-Data Dependent MS2 scanning (Target SIM-dd MS2 )were adopted in the mass spectrometry.Detection limits for the 30 forbidden industrial dyes were in the range of 0.001 0-0.051 mg·kg-1 .Recovery was tested by standard addition method, giving results in the range of 85.2%-96.5%,with RSDs (n=6)ranged from 2.1% to 9.8%.The mass relative deviation was within ±5×10-6 .
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