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On “Domestication” and “Foreignization” in Literary Translation-Based on English Version of Tales of Hulan River
Author(s): WANG Tiantian
Pages: 49-
Year: 2016
Journal: Journal of Changchun University
Keyword: Tales of Hulan River; English translation; Howard Goldbatt; domestication; foreignization;
Abstract: Preeminent translation is indispensible in“going to the global” of Chinese literature. In the translation of Tales of Hulan Riv ̄er, on the one hand, Howard Goldbatt, the translator, does his endeavor to“foreignize” the culture-loaded words with the characteris ̄tics of northeastern China to reserve “exotic flavor”;on the other hand, the loosely-connected structure of the original text has been adjusted for the readability, being“fluent and transparent”. However, it is noteworthy that neglecting the colloquial style is detrimental to reserving artistic characteristic of the original text.
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