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Journal Articles
Experiment on Different Irrigation Methods of Tomato in Solar Greenhouse
Pages: 59-63
Year: Issue:  10
Journal: Water Saving Irrigation

Keyword:  solar greenhousetomatodrip irrigationpan evaporationyieldirrigation water use efficiency;
Abstract: Based on the irrigation amount of water surface evaporation of a standard 0.2mdiameter pan,this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different irrigation methods(mulched drip irrigation,mulched furrow irrigation and mulched border irrigation)on the growth and irrigation water use efficiency of tomato and indoor environment in solar greenhouse in 2013 and 2014.Compared to furrow irrigation and traditional border irrigation under plastic film,irrigation water use efficiency and yields of tomato were the highest under mulched drip irrigation because of the reduced indoor humidity and the increased soil matric potential in the greenhouse in autumn and winter.In addition,from the view point of the highest yields and irrigation water use efficiency,the pan coefficient of1.0and the irrigation interval of 3days should be suggested as the guideline to drip irrigate tomato in solar greenhouse.
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