An Isolation and Protection Mechanism of Automotive Electronic Embedded Operating System
Author(s):CHEN Li-rong, YAN Li-ming, LUO Lei, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Pages:450-456 Year:2014
Issue:3 Journal:Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Keyword:automotive electronic; embedded operating system; isolation; partition; protection; Abstract:A strategy and implementation for the isolation and protection mechanism of automotive embedded operating system is described. Upon limited hardware resources, the software mechanism satisfies the three-level isolation and protection requirements covering operating system, applications, tasks and interrupt service routines. A protection error handling mechanism is provided with the ability of restricting memory accessing errors to limited regions, reducing the probability of the whole system’s failure. The number of memory pages is reduced apparently along with the improvement of operating system performance and utility of memory space. An automotive embedded operating system with isolation and protection mechanism can integrate software components of different sources and safety integration levels into a same ECU system.