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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Sources Analysis of Ozone Near the ground in Shenzhen and Assessment of Air Quality——Take Honghu Lake Sub-stations and Nanhu Lake Sub-stations as an Example
Pages: 183-185+189
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Guangdong Chemical Industry

Keyword:  OzoneBiogenic volatile organic compoundsAir quality index;
Abstract: By analyzing the data in the automatic monitoring stations, which are from the 2012 Shenzhen ozone monitoring data archive, analyzing EKMA curve, and investigating the surrounding environmental pollution near the automatic monitoring stations, it is shown that the biogenic VOC is one of the important factors that lead to the ozone in the rural atmosphere. Ozone, as a factor of rural atmospheric pollution and air quality evaluation, is different from other factors. According to the standard of PM2.5 and ozone set by WHO, under the current situation in China, PM 2.5 should be used as an index factor in calculating AQI. However, when the air quality is reaching, or near reaching the transitional target2, PM2.5 concentration and ozone concentration should be reported individual during the AQI calculation.
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