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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Wind load effect on low- pylon cable- stayed bridge during construction of box girders
Pages: 26-30
Year: Issue:  9
Journal: China Harbour Engineering

Keyword:  low-pylon cable-stayed bridgeconcrete box girderconstruction stageeffect of wind loading;
Abstract: During the construction of concrete box girders for the main part of Nan'ao Bridge, the local wind conditions were extremely bad. We analyzed the dynamic characteristics of the structure under the effect of wind loading when the bridge was in its maximum cantilevering position. As there were no similar experience and parameters available, parameters for wind loads were rationally selected on the basis of the data of observation made in the early stage of the project. Safe and reliable measures were taken and the highest allowable wind velocity was scientifically and rationally controlled to effectively avoid the effect of the vertical vortex induced resonance on the quality of concrete.
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