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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Risk Assessment of Dredge Construction
Pages: 78-81,105
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Port Engineering Technology

Keyword:  ocean surveillance projectdredge constructionrisk;
Abstract: With the increase of the construction project,uncertainties of project construction process are increasing, and the risk is also more and more. If it is not prevented, it is likely to influence the realization of the project construction target. Even it can cause collision, stranding or contact loss during dredge construction. With the background of dredge construction in Tangshan ocean surveillance project, we identify risk events during dredge construction, and then go through a quantitative calculation of dredge construction risks by using the relevant mathematical model. Finally combining with the calculation results, risk assessment and the corresponding risk control measures are put forward, which may serve as reference for risk management of port dredge construction.
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