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Journal Articles
Effect of Premature Progesterone Rise in Late Follicular Phase on Pregnancy Outcomes of IVF
Pages: 400-404
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of International Reproductive Health/Family Planning

Keyword:  ProgesteroneFertilization in vitroEmbryo transferPregnancy outcome;
Abstract: The incidence of premature progesterone rise(PPR) during ovarian stimulation in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer(IVF-ET) ranges from 4.2% to 36.0%.The effect of PPR on the pregnancy outcomes still exists debate.How to prevent PPR is a challenge for doctors.To investigate this issue and offer clues for clinical treatment,we had a review.The PPR in late follicular phase during stimulation may be related to adrenal gland,the number of retrieved oocytes,the level of estradiol on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin(h CG) administration,and the dose of follicle stimulating hormone(FSH).PPR may adversely affect the pregnancy results in fresh cycles by affecting endometrium.PPR does not affect the oocyte or embryo quality and the pregnancy outcomes of the freezen-thaw cycles.PPR may be prevented by the mild simulation protocols,cutting down dose of FSH,controlling the number of retrieved oocytes,and advancing the trigger time.It should be advised to freeze all the embryo if PPR emerged.Although some treatments could effectively improve the pregnancy outcomes of IVF-ET,it is necessary to test their effectiveness by the high-quality randomly double-blind controlled clinical trials with large sample size.
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