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Journal Articles
A Key-management Scheme with Node Compromise Probability in Wireless Sensor Network
Pages: 129-133
Year: Issue:  9
Journal: Computer Technology and Development

Keyword:  wireless sensordistributed networkkey managementcompromised probability;
Abstract: Subgrouping has an effective performance in compartmentalizing node compromise in large-scale networks. Clustering method has also been known useful for providing scalable data aggregation and security in Distributed Sensor Networks (DNSs). Taking the probability of node compromise in different deployment regions in consideration,the apriori knowledge is used to design a variant of ran-dom key pre-distribution scheme that can improve the whole network resilience and hence the fraction of compromised communications in contrast with the previous works. Also the size of key ring stored in subgroup node and the probability of node compromise is consid-erd,and a more effective scalable security mechanism is designed that increases the resilience to the attack in the sensor subgroups. Simu-lation shows that the performance of the scheme proposed can be substantially improved in the sensor network,including both the resili-ence and the fraction of compromised communications by only sacrificing a small extent in the probability of a shared key exists between two nodes compared with those previous methods.
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