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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
On the Faculty Building in Higher Vocational Colleges from the Perspective of Modern Vocational Education System
Pages: 128-131
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Hefei University(Natural Science)

Keyword:  modern vocational education systemhigher vocational collegefaculty building;
Abstract: The construction of modern vocational education system is not only the country’s top-level design,but also the external environment for the development of higher vocational colleges.Each higher vocational college should learn and uphold the concept of modern vocational education consci-entiously,interpreting the objectives and requirements of the construction of teaching staff in higher vocational colleges under the current system of modern vocational education.With the help of govern-ment,industry and enterprises,the vocational colleges should create different conditions to complete the building of teaching staff,and improve the quality of talent training.
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