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The Response Relationship between the Waterbirds and Climatic Factors Based on Grey Relation Analysis
Author(s): Zou Lili, Yancheng Teachers University
Pages: 12-
Year: 2016
Journal: Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin
Keyword: Waterbirds; Wetland; Climate; Response; Mai Po wetlands;
Abstract: This paper selected different kinds of waterfowl and seven kinds of climate elements which closely relatedto waterfowl climatic factors in January 1979—2009,used the method of gray relational analysis. The results showthat:on the whole,waterfowl have strong relevance to climate elements. The resident birds have strong adaptability tothe climate compared to migratory birds in this area;Over time,the waterfowl weakened for the adaptation of naturalclimatic factors year by year,human factors have become dominant for the change of the number and species of water-fowl. In addition,from the different correlation of the different types of waterfowl and climatic factors,the differenttypes of waterfowl have some differences for climate adaptation,the living habits characteristics of waterfowl deter-mine the different ability on climate adaptation,for example,Pelecaniformes specializes flight,the number of themost relevant for minimum visibility,are good at swimming for the precipitation associated minimum.
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